Tuesday, April 03, 2007

wish you were here ... (hk part 1)

just in case you're mistaken, these photos are taken with winniefred, my 3Mp samsung camera phone and not with puppy. that explains the dodgy quality of some of the shots. you know the drill, double-click on image for larger view.

I miss you in the busy streets of hongkong.

macau tower, hotel lisboa, casino lisboa, one of the bridges and the canidrome where they hold greyhound races.

st paul's ruin and st dominic's church.

candy-ass trams on hongkong island and mini-buses at temple street.

cable car ride on lantau island to see the big buddha.

stanley market, near repulse bay.

and finally, hongkong won't be hongkong without heaps of eating.

say hello to puppy
she is happy and so am I. :)